Our Impact

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“Dowling Street had a way of quickly and easily understanding the LinkedIn culture, making for a very effective first 90 days.”

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Dowling Street helped me think through where to start in a new role so I wasn’t boiling the ocean and instead I created actionable impact. For example, there were a set of senior leaders who were very busy and a set of managers who needed guidance. With their  support, I created a program where the senior leaders became teachers to the managers on specific topics we uncovered in an assessment. This led to the entire company having the experience of the senior leaders being fully engaged. Dowling Street enabled me to create a roadmap for this outcome.

The Dowling Street team was highly gifted at being able to hear what you say, extract the meaning, and play it back in a structured manner. This helped me clarify my own thinking. They acted as both consultant and coach, allowing the work we did together to be “my idea” and helped me shaped the ideas in a way I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Personally, they provided me with the confidence to have my own opinion and run with it at very early stages in my new role and in the process create lateral and vertical buy-in and impact.

Dowling Street understands the balance between people and revenue and knows that they aren’t mutually exclusive. They strikes the perfect balance between understanding how to motivate and engage people without losing sight of the bottom line. Most consultants can do one or the other. But they were able to hold both seamlessly.

-Prakash Raman, Executive Coach