Can Bratton Save New York? Part 3: What do the Players Think?

Last week, we published the second in our seven-part series exploring the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In Part 2, we identified the key players who have a stake in this issue, explored what their perspectives might be and developed a working theory. Our working theory was: a fracture in accountability, specifically how it relates to the use of force and in cases of an abuse of authority.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 2: Who are the Players?

Last week, we published the first in our seven-part series exploring the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In Part 1, we introduced the events that led to protests and an on-the-job strike, and DSX, the methodology we’re using to analyze the events. DSX’s seven steps are divided into three stages: Diagnosis, Strategy and Execution. This week we continue our diagnosis process in Step 2: Map the Players.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Yes, and Here's How

In the latter half of 2014, New York City was on the brink of an eruption. Following the non-indictment of the NYPD officer in the Eric Garner case, citizens began mostly peaceful protests with the support of liberal Mayor Bill de Blasio, After six months of unrest, tensions have eased and things have returned back to normal for the most part. In the absence of announcements of large, wide-sweeping efforts to address the events of 2014, it begs the question: Is New York City living in a pressure cooker just waiting to blow?

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How To Not Be the Next BlackBerry

“How did BlackBerry become the stepchild of the tech world?”

This simple question, casually posed to me last week, was a stark reminder of just how far this once-tech giant has fallen. Not that long ago, the BlackBerry was an essential staple of both the busy executive and the bustling socialite. Where did BlackBerry go so wrong? How did they not see their world changing, and what prevented them from being more responsive? How should they have been better prepared to adapt?

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NBC's Real Failure was not Williams'

Two weeks ago, the Internet exploded over a story by NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. Mr. Williams described how, in 2003, he had been on a Chinook military helicopter when it was “forced down after being hit by an R.P.G.” We now know that Mr. Williams fabricated part of this story where he was on the Chinook that actually took fire. He was actually on another copter that followed 30 – 60 minutes behind. Mr. Williams has been for six months without pay and will be getting a “second chance”. In doing so, NBC management is complicit in a systemic failure that, without deliberate attention, is primed to tear primetime news journalism apart.

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Christie Needs to Manage his Enormous Hunger

In 2012, Governor Chris Christie represented the state of New Jersey on an important trade mission to Israel. As could be expected, Mr. Christie brought an entourage with him to represent the state; unfortunately these were not economic advisors, civil engineers, or scientists. Instead, as reported by the New York Times last week, his entourage included his wife, three of his four children, his mother-in-law, father, stepmother, four staff members, former law partner and a state trooper.

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Our Half-aversary!

Last week, we celebrated our half-aversary. It's almost surprising how quickly six months went by and it feels like it was just yesterday that we were launching Dowling Street. While there's been quite a bit that has happened in in the first half of 2014, we never got a chance to share most it with you. So, I want to take this opportunity to let you know what we've been up to, share some of our big wins with you, and fill you in on what we're excited about for the next six months.

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The First 100 Days

Next week, Dowling Street will cross its first 100 days mark. This is a milestone for us and even though it feels like it flew right by, so much has already happened. And, these days, I’m routinely being asked, “What is it like to start a firm from scratch?” We view Dowling Street as our very own adaptive challenge. No one has done what we have set out to do in quite the same way. This gives us an opportunity to apply the Adaptive Leadership Framework, the same tools and expertise that with use with clients, on ourselves. Here are our top three lessons from our first 100 days.

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Introducing Dowling Street!

We here at Dowling Street are proud to announce our public launch and show the world what we’ve been up to for the past few months! As 2013 turned into 2014, the team here was hard at work creating a new kind of advisory firm, one that combines sharp management expertise with a focus on partnership and people. We’re looking forward to using this approach to attack some of the toughest problems facing our clients and the world at-large.

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