Posts tagged Leadership
All Lives Don't Matter

All lives don’t matter… all lives can’t matter, until Black Lives Matter.

This is not going to be a typical Dowling Street Insight that you may have received from us in the past. It can’t be. Instead, today I’m going to share a personal message from my experiences and reflections over the last few weeks.

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Are You the Harvey Weinstein in Your Life?

By now, you’ve heard about the precipitous fall of one of Hollywood’s most powerful men: Harvey Weinstein. Since allegations of his exploits surfaced in early October, the industry mogul was dethroned; ousted from the company that bears his own name, and expelled from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organization behind the Oscars.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 7: Developing Success

The last in our seven-part series investigating the tension between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In the last seven weeks, we’ve examined the history and context to understand the conflict, proposed a working theory as to its root cause, refined our theory after extensive research, and developed a comprehensive strategy to address our systemic challenge.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 6: Executing Change

We’re in the home stretch of our seven-part series investigating the tension between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. We began this series by conducting a thorough diagnosis to identify the systemic challenge that we believe is the root cause behind the turmoil in New York. We responded to our diagnosis by developing a comprehensive strategy to address this challenge.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 5: Preparing for Change

We’re entering the second half of our seven-part series analyzing the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In the first three parts – the Diagnosis stage - we identified the underlying systemic challenge, which we believe to be the root cause behind the turmoil we saw in New York in the second half of 2014. And, last week in Part 4, we responded to our diagnosis by developing a comprehensive strategy to address this challenge.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 4: Responding to the Challenge

We’ve reached the mid-point of our seven-part series examining the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. If you’ve been with us since the beginning, now is when the momentum really starts to build. Last week in Part 3, we took our working theory into the field and refined the challenge into one with widespread approval.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 3: What do the Players Think?

Last week, we published the second in our seven-part series exploring the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In Part 2, we identified the key players who have a stake in this issue, explored what their perspectives might be and developed a working theory. Our working theory was: a fracture in accountability, specifically how it relates to the use of force and in cases of an abuse of authority.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Part 2: Who are the Players?

Last week, we published the first in our seven-part series exploring the tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio. In Part 1, we introduced the events that led to protests and an on-the-job strike, and DSX, the methodology we’re using to analyze the events. DSX’s seven steps are divided into three stages: Diagnosis, Strategy and Execution. This week we continue our diagnosis process in Step 2: Map the Players.

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Can Bratton Save New York? Yes, and Here's How

In the latter half of 2014, New York City was on the brink of an eruption. Following the non-indictment of the NYPD officer in the Eric Garner case, citizens began mostly peaceful protests with the support of liberal Mayor Bill de Blasio, After six months of unrest, tensions have eased and things have returned back to normal for the most part. In the absence of announcements of large, wide-sweeping efforts to address the events of 2014, it begs the question: Is New York City living in a pressure cooker just waiting to blow?

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Christie Needs to Manage his Enormous Hunger

In 2012, Governor Chris Christie represented the state of New Jersey on an important trade mission to Israel. As could be expected, Mr. Christie brought an entourage with him to represent the state; unfortunately these were not economic advisors, civil engineers, or scientists. Instead, as reported by the New York Times last week, his entourage included his wife, three of his four children, his mother-in-law, father, stepmother, four staff members, former law partner and a state trooper.

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